Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Talking Cars

Their Comments:

"Creative marketing!!! Continue dreaming... have an "out of the box" campaign (Yuswo Hady)

"Very good idea pak..inovatif !" (Fanny R Imanuddin)

"Good idea...Kreatif .." (Raden Satriadi)

"Wihhh" (Rahadhian Inu Kertapati)

"Apik n berbeda, ... salut 2 jempol!..." (Made Gunartha)

"Great idea ... Two thumbs up." (Milvie Setiorahardjo)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Miracle Ecobag Launching

Miracle Ecobag is an eco-friendly bag. This Bio-Degradable Bag contains native Indonesia tapioca starch with other renewable and environmentally degradable natural resources. This bag breaks down within a year under tropical soil.
Model wearing gown created from Miracle Ecobag